[Opt-Net] SFB 1294 Data Assimilation: Open doctoral and postdoctoral positions

Sebastian Reich sereich at rz.uni-potsdam.de
Thu Jun 15 10:01:49 CEST 2017

Dear editor,

could you please post the attached job advertisement on the Opt-Net mailing list.

Thank you!

Best wishes,

Sebastian Reich


The DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center SFB 1294 “Data
Assimilation – The Seamless Integration of Data and Models”, hosted
at the University of Potsdam jointly with its partner Institutions
HU Berlin, TU Berlin, WIAS Berlin and GFZ Potsdam, invites
applications for

14 doctoral and 3 postdoctoral 4-year positions

in the field of data assimilation (including statistical inverse
problems, dynamical systems, applied and computational mathematics,
and machine learning) and its application to biophysics, neuro- and

Our vision. The assimilation of time-dependent data sets into
complex evolution models lead to unique mathematical and
computational challenges, which provide the central theme of SFB
1294. Data assimilation is a newly emerging field which lies at the
confluence of several established research areas in mathematics and
statistics on the one hand and application areas such as
geosciences on the other. Our vision is to establish a rigorous
mathematical underpinning of data assimilation, to develop
principled computational methodologies, and to apply these
methodologies to emerging application fields.

SFB 1294 provides a fantastic research infrastructure including a
large interdisciplinary network of researchers, its own graduate
school, and funding opportunities for conference visits, summer
schools, hosting international experts etc. SFB 1294 strives to
increase the proportion of women in research. The website
www.sfb1294.de provides more information on the scientific
framework of this call, candidate requirements and online
application procedure, and payment scheme for both doctoral and
postdoctoral positions. Candidate evaluation will begin after the
application deadline on July 9th, 2017; with an anticipated start
of projects on October 1st, 2017. 

Informal inquiries can be directed to the speaker of SFB 1294, Sebastian Reich, by 
e-mail: crcmath at math.uni-potsdam.de.

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