[Opt-Net] Release of the SCIP Optimization Suite 4.0

Gregor Hendel hendel at zib.de
Tue Mar 14 12:04:17 CET 2017

Dear community,

we proudly announce the release of the SCIP Optimization Suite 4.0.0. It 
consists of SCIP 4.0.0, SoPlex 3.0.0, ZIMPL 3.3.4, GCG 2.1.2, and UG 
0.8.3.  The new release comprises many new features, including

  - new and improved primal heuristics and conflict analysis techniques,

  - the support of partial user solutions,

  - a new concurrent solving mode to launch several SCIP's with 
different settings in parallel,

  - solution polishing to improve integrality of LP solutions,

  - an extended framework for custom relaxation handlers,

  - new Java and Julia interfaces, hosted at 
https://github.com/SCIP-Interfaces, and

  - an improved API documentation.

For a complete list of the performance improvements and features and for 
downloading the new SCIP Optimization Suite, please visit


A technical report with an in-depth description of the improvements to 
the SCIP Optimization Suite is available on Optimization Online:


Along with the optimization suite, a new version of SCIP-SDP, the 
SCIP-plugin for solving mixed-integer semidefinite programs, has been 
released with an added interface to the SDP-solver of MOSEK. SCIP-SDP 
3.0.0 is available at


Happy Downloading,
the SCIP Optimization Suite Team

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