[Opt-Net] PhD positions in the Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies

Julius Zilinskas zilinskasjulius at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 09:28:17 CEST 2018

A dozen of PhD positions (for up to 4 years) are open in the Institute
of Data Science and Digital Technologies (https://www.mii.lt/en/) at
Vilnius University. The research performed during PhD studies should
be in one of the area of the institute, including Optimization
algorithms and their applications, Parallel and distributed computing,
Algorithms and data analysis in bioinformatics, etc., see under
Informatics in https://www.vu.lt/site_files/DRS/Doctoral_Studies/Physical_Sciences.pdf
and under Informatics Engineering in

The admissions procedure is described in
https://www.vu.lt/en/studies/phd-students/admission . European Union
citizens are eligible for state funded doctoral studies with monthly

The deadline for applications is June 25.

The entrance interviews will be held June 28, video calls may be
organized for the interviews if needed.

For more information please contact Chairman of the Doctoral Studies
Committee in Informatics Engineering prof. Julius Žilinskas
(julius.zilinskas at mii.vu.lt).

Best regards,
Julius Žilinskas

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