[Opt-Net] Announcing DIMACS sponsored workshop on Optimization and Machine Learning at Lehigh, August 13-15.

Katya Scheinberg katyascheinberg at gmail.com
Tue May 15 00:55:44 CEST 2018

We would like to announce  DIMACS/TRIPODS workshop on Optimization and
Machine Learning, which will be held at Lehigh August 13-15. Registration
is now open and we invite *submissions of abstracts for poster session*.
The due date for abstract submission is June 1st.

The workshop will be collocated with the annual MOPTA conference.
Please see http://coral.ie.lehigh.edu/~mopta/ for further details.

The list of invited speakers for the workshop is below.

*Plenary talks:*
Peter Bartlett (Berkeley)
John Duchi (Stanford)
Suvrit Sra (MIT)
Kilian Weinberger (Cornell)
Stephen Wright (Wisconsin)

*Invited talks*

Amir Ali Ahmadi *(Princeton)*
Jake Abernethy *(Georgia Tech)*
Alexandr Andoni *(Columbia)*
Mikhail Belkin *(OSU)*
Coralia Cartis *(Oxford)*
Frank Curtis *(Lehigh)*
Damek Davis *(Cornell)*
Daniel Hsu *(Columbia)*
Stefanie Jegelka *(MIT)*
Satyen Kale *(Google)*
Simon Lacoste-Julien *(U. of Montreal)*
John Langford *(MSR New York)*
Michael Mahoney *(Berkeley)*
Hossein Mobahi *(Google)*
Aryan Mokhtari *(MIT)*
Francesco Orabona *(SUNY Stony Brook/Boston University)*
Courtney Paquette *(Lehigh)*
Peter Richtarik *(The University of Edinburgh/KAUST)*
Daniel P. Robinson *(Johns Hopkins)*
Katya Scheinberg *(Lehigh)*
Mark Schmidt *(University of British Columbia)*
Karthik Sridharan *(Cornell)*
Yaron Singer *(Harvard)*
Ameet Talwalkar *(CMU)*
Marin Takac *(Lehigh)*
Panos Toulis *(University of Chicago)*
Rene Vidal *(Johns Hopkins)*
John Wright
*(Columbia)Yiming Ying (Albany)*

Katya Scheinberg
Harvey E. Wagner Endowed Chair Professor
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Co-director of Institute for Data, Intelligent Systems and Computation,
Lehigh University
Harold S. Mohler Laboratory
katyas at lehigh.edu
200 West Packer Avenue
Bethlehem, PA 18015-1582
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