[Opt-Net] MIPLIB 2017: Official release of the new Mixed-Integer Programming LIBrary, version 6
Ambros Gleixner
gleixner at zib.de
Thu Nov 8 13:39:51 CET 2018
Dear colleagues and friends of MIP,
We are happy to announce the official release of the new MIPLIB 2017,
the 6th edition of the Mixed-Integer Programming LIBrary, at
Since 1992, MIPLIB has served as an important stimulus for researchers
and practitioners. The new library has been selected from more than 100
new submissions and publically available instances. The final
collection consists of over 1000 MIP models and is by far the largest
MIPLIB that was ever created.
For the first time, instances have been selected using a fully
data-driven process to represent the diversity of MIP best possible. A
subset of 240 benchmark instances has been carefully selected such that
the shifted geometric mean over all these instances allows, as much as
possible, a balanced but challenging assessment of current MIP solver
The web site provides an overview of the selection methodology and
convenient access to instance sets, individual instance information,
supplementary material, best known solutions, and much more. A more
detailed report is currently in preparation.
Finally, we would like to encourage the community to become active and
contribute bibliographic information and improving solutions to more
than 300 currently unsolved problem instances. Also general feedback
and suggestions for improvements are always welcome.
At this occasion, the committee of MIPLIB 2017 would like to thank all
involved people for their contributions and instance submissions to the
new edition of MIPLIB!
Happy problem solving,
Ambros Gleixner, Gregor Hendel, and Gerald Gamrath
on behalf of the MIPLIB committee
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