[Opt-Net] Doctoral Position available within the Marie-Curie ITN MINOA on mixed-integer non-linear optimisation

Sebastian Tschuppik Sebastian.Tschuppik at fau.de
Mon Apr 15 11:23:39 CEST 2019

The Friedrich-Alexander University invites applications for a doctoral 
position within the ITN MINOA (“Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Optimisation 

A position as a doctoral researcher is available at the 
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU), Germany, chair 
“Wirtschaftsmathematik”, within the Marie Curie ITN MINOA. You will be 
supervised by Frauke Liers (FAU) and by Martin Schmidt (Trier 
University). We are seeking highly motivated and qualified early-stage 
researchers (ESRs) that are looking for obtaining a doctoral degree in 

You will be trained through an innovative training program based on your 
individual research project in exact optimisation approaches for energy 
market design.

The hosting group: The optimisation group at FAU has key expertise in 
modeling and solving complex and very large-scale planning and 
optimisation problems from logistics, energy, production, engineering, 
and the natural sciences. The chair “Wirtschaftsmathematik” currently 
consists of two professors, 6 postdocs and about 15 PhD students. Each 
year about three PhD students finish their thesis. The group 
participates in many projects funded by the DFG, the BMBF, or the BMWi, 
e.g., with the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and German Railways. In 
particular, the group collaborates in the Collaborative Research Center 
TRR 154 “Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation Using the 
Example of Gas Networks“. You will be part of the MINOA network. The 
latter consists of eleven academic partners institutions and six 
industrial partners from six different countries in Europe.

Who can apply?
You are eligible to apply for a position within the MINOA network, if
- you hold a M.Sc. degree by the starting date of the fellowship, in one 
of the following areas: Mathematics, Computer Science, or in a closely 
related field;
- you have not resided or carried out your main activity (work, studies, 
etc.) in Germany for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately 
prior to your recruitment;
- at the time of recruitment, you are in the first four years (full-time 
equivalent research experience) of your research career (after having 
obtained your M.Sc. degree) and have not been awarded a doctoral degree;
- you are proficient in the English language.

What can you expect from a position in the MINOA ITN?
Once recruited, we will offer
- the possibility to work with us in a prestigious Horizon 2020 project;
- a full-time contract for 36 months;
- planned internships (secondments): IBM France (Pierre Bonami, 3 
months) Trier University (Martin Schmidt, 2 months)
- participation in local events as well as in network-wide summer 
schools with internationally well-known teachers. This furthermore 
offers the possibility to get to know other Phd students from all over 
the world.

How can you apply?
You will need to provide us with the following documents:
a) Letter of motivation (max. 1 page)
b) Copies of degree and academic transcripts (with grades and rankings)
c) Brief summary of Master's thesis (max. 1 page)
d) Short CV including a publication list (if any)

All the above-mentioned documents should be sent to edom-office at fau.de

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