[Opt-Net] Updated Call for Papers - Special Issue of JOGO on Global Multiobjective Optimization -

Miettinen, Kaisa kaisa.miettinen at jyu.fi
Tue Oct 1 19:40:05 CEST 2019

Special Issue on
Global Multiobjective Optimization

of the Journal of Global Optimization
(published by Springer)
Guest editors:
Kaisa Miettinen (University of Jyvaskyla, Finland), Serpil Sayin (Koç University, Turkey)

Submission deadline:
January 7, 2020
This special issue is devoted to publishing original research papers dealing with theoretical, computational and applied aspects of global optimization involving multiple, conflicting objective functions. Thus, the focus is at the intersection of global and multiobjective optimization. We invite unpublished, high quality papers, which address challenges of global multiobjective optimization. Examples of relevant optimization problems are nonconvex, stochastic or combinatorial optimization problems having both global and local optima. In this special issue, sophisticated global search strategies are emphasized and their application to various optimization problems with multiple objectives is within scope. Relevant data-driven optimization considerations are also of interest.
We welcome papers with a clear, novel scientific contribution in theory, methods or applications and papers with comprehensive and significant numerical experiments of global multiobjective optimization. The papers must be in line with the scope of the Journal of Global Optimization - An International Journal Dealing with Theoretical and Computational Aspects of Seeking Global Optima and Their Applications in Science, Management and Engineering.
This special issue is connected to but not restricted to papers presented at the 25th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, MCDM2019 (held in Istanbul, Turkey, in June 2019).

Authors should follow the Instructions for Authors of the Journal of Global Optimization and submit their high quality manuscript via Springer's online Editorial Manager www.editorialmanager.com/jogo/ by January 7, 2020. To initiate submission, authors should choose "manuscript" as the article type.  When prompted whether the current submission is related to a special issue, they should choose SI: MCDM2019 in the list.
Submissions are sent to reviewers as they arrive and papers accepted for publication are made electronically available via SpringerLink before the Special Issue is published.
Further inquiries should be sent to the Guest Editors:
Kaisa Miettinen (kaisa.miettinen at jyu.fi) and Serpil Sayin (ssayin at ku.edu.tr).

Professor Kaisa Miettinen, PhD
University of Jyvaskyla
Industrial Optimization Group: http://www.mit.jyu.fi/optgroup/
Faculty of Information Technology, P.O. Box 35 (Agora)
FI-40014 University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
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Director of the thematic research area Decision Analytics utilizing Causal Models
and Multiobjective Optimization, http://www.jyu.fi/demo
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tel. +358 50 3732247 (mob.)
email: kaisa.miettinen at jyu.fi
homepage: http://www.mit.jyu.fi/miettine and http://www.mit.jyu.fi/miettine/engl.html
* DESDEO project: http://www.mit.jyu.fi/optgroup/desdeo.html
My book: Nonlinear Multiobjective Optimization, Kluwer:  http://www.mit.jyu.fi/miettine/book/
* My publications: http://users.jyu.fi/~miettine/publ.html

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