[Opt-Net] Argonne Postdoc Position in Optimization and Quantum Computing

Sven Leyffer leyffer at anl.gov
Thu Oct 17 16:32:15 CEST 2019

The Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory is seeking well-prepared postdoctoral candidates with interests in researching methods at the intersection of numerical optimization and quantum computing.

Postdoctoral appointees with interest in theory, algorithms, and/or software are encouraged to apply. We especially encourage applications from researchers with interest in hybrid quantum-classical algorithms, and/or experience with variational quantum algorithms (e.g., QAOA or VQE).

Position requirements include a doctoral degree in applied mathematics or quantum information sciences, and expertise in numerical optimization or quantum computing, and a willingness to research in the other field.

This position is available immediately, but there is flexibility in start dates for highly qualified candidates. More information on quantum computing at Argonne is available at https://www.anl.gov/mcs/quantum-computing Questions can be addressed to Jeffrey Larson (jmlarson at anl.gov<mailto:jmlarson at anl.gov>) and Sven Leyffer (leyffer at anl.gov<mailto:leyffer at anl.gov>).

Sven Leyffer
Senior Computational Mathematician
Argonne National Laboratory
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