[Opt-Net] Research position at WIAS

Axel Kroener axel.kroener at wias-berlin.de
Mon Jul 13 17:34:43 CEST 2020

Applications are invited for a research assistant position at the 
Weierstrass Institute,
in research group 8 (Nonsmooth Variational Problems and Operator 
Equations) to be
filled at the earliest possible date.

Field of work: Optimization with partial differential equations. The 
holder of the position
is qualified in a modern field of optimization with partial differential 
Of particular interest are non-smooth coupled systems and data-driven 
(e.g. machine learning)
approaches to modeling and optimization or variational problems in 
mathematical image
processing. In addition to analytical considerations, the development 
and implementation
of numerical solution methods are of central importance.

Technical queries should be directed to Prof. Dr. Michael Hintermüller 
(Michael.Hintermueller at wias-berlin.de 
<mailto:Michael.Hintermueller at wias-berlin.de>).
The position is remunerated according to TVöD and is initially limited 
to two years, while a long-term
perspective is envisioned.

The Institute aims to increase the proportion of women in this field, so 
applications from women are particularly
welcome. Among equally qualified applicants, disabled candidates will be 
given preference.

For further details and the application process see


Deadline: July 31st, 2020


Axel Kroener

Weierstrass Institute                   axel.kroener at wias-berlin.de
for Applied Analysis and Stochastics    Tel.: +49 (0) 30 20372-416
Mohrenstr. 39, 10117 BERLIN             www.wias-berlin.de/people/kroener


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