[Opt-Net] Postdoc Position, Optimization with partial differential equations at WIAS, Berlin (Germany)

Heike Sill sill at wias-berlin.de
Thu Jun 4 08:30:16 CEST 2020

WIAS invites in the Research Group
”Nonsmooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations”
(Head: Prof. Dr. M. Hintermüller) applications for a
Research Assistant Position (f/m/d)
  (Ref. 20/11).
to be filled at the earliest possible date.
Field of work: Optimization with partial differential equations. The 
holder of the position is qualified in a modern field of optimization 
with partial differential equations. Of particular inter-est are 
non-smooth coupled systems and data-driven (e.g. machine learning) 
approaches to modeling and optimization or variational problems in 
mathematical image processing. In addi-tion to analytical 
considerations, the development and implementation of numerical solution 
methods are of central importance.
Wanted: A motivated, outstanding young researcher with a very good 
degree and excellent doctorate in mathematics as well as previous 
experience in the fields mentioned above with the willingness to take on 
responsibility for interdisciplinary projects. Further experience 
with-in the framework of independent research in a postdoctoral phase as 
well as very good knowledge in the areas of
- Optimal control with partial differential equations and numerical 
solution methods,
- Quasivariation inequalities,
- Non-smooth variation problems, e.g. with applications in image processing
as well as experience in the computer-aided realization of the 
associated numerical solution methods. This position is associated with 
the production of publications in international peer-reviewed journals, 
presentation of the results at international conferences and co-support 
of students working at WIAS in this field as bachelors, masters or 
doctoral students.

For more information, please visit:: https://short.sg/j/6874006

Administration/Human Resources
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics
Mohrenstrasse 39
10117 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)30  20372 557
Fax: +49 (0)30 20372 329
URL: http://www.wias-berlin.de/~sill/?lang=1

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