[Opt-Net] Job Opportunities at the Optimisation and Optimal Control research group at the Center for Applied Mathematics of the University of Bremen (Germany)

Annalisa Riccardi annalisa.riccardi at strath.ac.uk
Wed May 13 14:25:17 CEST 2020

(sent on behalf of Prof Christof Bueskens at the University of Bremen, Germany)


Dear colleagues and friends,

in our working group on Optimization and Optimal Control at the
Center for Industrial Mathematics at the University of Bremen,
we have

       9-10 open positions

75%-100% of a full time job within the next month.
The open positions are linked to various topics, like

- Nonlinear Optimisation
- Optimal Control
- Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
- Numerics and Scientific Computing

and projects/tasks, e.g.
- Autonomous driving with our own research vehicle
- Autonomous driving for agricultural machinery
- Object detection with deep neuronal networks for agricultural machinery
- Multi-objective optimisation for energy grid systems
- Software tools for automated parameterization of digital twins
- Model predictive control for high-voltage converter
- Traffic management optimisation for the city of Bremen
- Real world and industrial projects

The possibility of a doctorade is given, but is not mandatory.
PostDocs are welcome.

We would be very pleased if you could forward our inquiry
to potential students and candidates.

Thank you very much for supporting us,
yours sincerely

Christof Bueskens

bueskens at math.uni-bremen.de <mailto:bueskens at math.uni-bremen.de>

Mitja Echim

mitja.echim at uni-bremen.de

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