[Opt-Net] Research positions in DFG RTG 2297 Mathematical Complexity Reduction

Sebastian Sager sager at ovgu.de
Mon Jun 7 11:56:33 CEST 2021

The DFG Research Training Group 2297 "Mathematical Complexity Reduction"
currently hires people for mathematical research. The research topic within
mathematics may be from numerics, optimization, control, machine learning,
stochastics, algebra, or geometry, but should address topics of complexity
reduction, e.g., via dimension reduction or lifting into higher dimensional
spaces. A description of the qualification and research program can be
found at [1].

We are currently offering a PostDoc position with competetive salary (TVL
E14 100%), manifold possibilities for independent research and networking,
no teaching obligations, and a runtime of 3 years which can be further
extended. Female candidates are especially encouraged to apply. The
qualification goal is a move towards a permanent professor position (see
[3] for success stories of former MathCoRe PostDocs). The topic should be
related to complexity reduction (e.g., extended formulations, lifted Newton
methods, error-controled surrogate models, ...). If you have a background
in optimization we encourage you to contact either Volker Kaibel or
Sebastian Sager to discuss possible topics you could apply with. The
deadline is July 25, 2021.

We are also continuously recruiting PhD students from any of the
above-mentioned mathematical areas, preferably open to innovative
cross-field research supported by two supervisors from different areas.
There is no deadline.

See [2] for further details and instructions on how to apply.

[1] https://www.mathcore.ovgu.de.
[2] https://www.mathcore.ovgu.de/index.php?show=joinus
[3] https://www.mathcore.ovgu.de/index.php?show=joinus_successstories

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Sager
Institute of Mathematical Optimization
Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
sager at ovgu.de

Spokesperson of DFG Graduiertenkolleg 2297 "Mathematical Complexity
Reduction" https://www.mathcore.ovgu.de
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