[Opt-Net] 2nd CfP for ”The Interplay of Discrete Optimization and Machine Learning”

Andreas Tillmann a.tillmann at tu-braunschweig.de
Mon Dec 5 13:12:47 CET 2022

Submissions are still very welcome to the special issue on "The 
Interplay of Discrete Optimization and Machine Learning".
This article collection (Research Topic) will be published in 
collaboration with Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics.

The aim of the Research Topic is to bring together the latest quality 
articles from researchers working in the areas of discrete optimization 
and machine learning, focused on discrete optimization methods that 
address modern challenges in machine learning or machine learning for 
improving discrete solvers or heuristics. The RT is edited by Elias 
Khalil, Gonzalo Munoz, Sebastian Pokutta and myself (Andreas Tillmann). 
All research will be published OpenAccess; submission will undergo full 
peer review.

You can learn more about the scope of the collection here: 

The current manuscript submission deadline is January 6th, 2023. 
However, an extension is likely and we can also accommodate personal 
extensions on a case-by-case basis.
If you would like feedback on your prospective manuscript’s suitability, 
you can submit an (informal) abstract at any time, which will be 
assessed quickly.

Please note that as an Open-Access Journal, publishing fees are applied 
to accepted articles, but the team at Frontiers is happy to advise you 
in this regard. You can reach out to our dedicated point of contact at 
Frontiers, Alexandra Powell, BSc via 
mathematics.submissions at frontiersin.org if you have any questions.

If you are interested, you can register via the "Participate in this 
topic" link on the special issue's website. You will then also receive a 
follow-up email with further details.

Please feel free to forward this call for papers on to any possibly 
interested colleagues.

Dr. Andreas M. Tillmann
Institute for Mathematical Optimization
Cluster of Excellence SE²A - Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation
TU Braunschweig, Germany

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