[Opt-Net] Call for Abstracts and Sessions on Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization at EURO 2022 Espoo, Finland - 32nd European Conference on Operational Research

Manuel López-Ibáñez manuel.lopez-ibanez at manchester.ac.uk
Mon Feb 21 09:05:50 CET 2022

Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization at
EURO 2022, 32nd European Conference on Operational Research
http://www.euro2022espoo.com 3rd-6th July in Espoo, Finland

Dear colleagues,

We are organising a stream on Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization at the 
EURO 2022, 32nd European Conference on Operational Research 

# Call for abstracts

We invite you to submit an abstract directly to the Contributed session using 
the code ff77165c via the abstract submission system:

https://euro2022espoo.com/submissions/  (code: ff77165c)

We welcome abstracts (max. 1500 characters) on various topics, including but 
not limited to:

  * Real-world applications of MCO
  * Multiobjective integer linear programming
  * Exact algorithms for MCO
  * Multiobjective metaheuristics and evolutionary algorithms
  * Approximation and representation results for MCO
  * Interactive MCO approaches
  * Parallel MCO
  * Performance assessment and benchmarking
  * Automatic algorithm selection, configuration and design
  * Application of machine learning to MCO

Please note that abstracts must be written in English and contain no more than 
1500 characters in plain text format (no formulas allowed). Each registered 
attendee is allowed to give one presentation at the conference. The speaker 
must enter the abstract and will be shown as the first author.

# Call for sessions

If you are interested in organising a session, please contact us (contact 
information below) with a tentative title and description of your proposal. 
Once accepted, we will include your session in the electronic Abstract 
Submission System and you can invite speakers to your session conveniently (a 
session can naturally have more than one organizer in which case you'll just 
have to decide who will chair the session). As a session organiser, your role 
will be to select abstract submissions or invite authors to deliver a talk 
within your session. A session typically consists of 4 talks. If there are more 
than four speakers, it is still possible that the same organisers hold more 
than one session dedicated to the same topic.


	Abstract submission deadline: Friday, March 4, 2022
	Early registration deadline: Friday, March 25, 2022
	Author registration deadline: Friday, April 8, 2022

If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us!

With best regards,

Matthias Ehrgott <m.ehrgott at lancaster.ac.uk>
University of Lancaster, UK

Manuel López-Ibáñez <manuel.lopez-ibanez at uma.es>
University of Málaga, Spain

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