[Opt-Net] Open call for PostDoc and PhD positions in optimization in Magdeburg

Volker Kaibel kaibel at ovgu.de
Thu Jul 13 16:46:04 CEST 2023

Open call for PostDoc and PhD positions in optimization in Magdeburg

There are several open positions to be filled at the Institute of Mathematical Optimization at Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Germany. Depending on scientific interests each position will be linked either to the group of Prof. Volker Kaibel [1] or of Prof. Sebastian Sager [2]. The research of the institute covers a wide spectrum in continuous and discrete optimization, involving polyhedral combinatorics, scientific machine learning, and optimal control. All positions will be offered for at least three years and come with a competetive salary. 

In particular, a  PostDoc position shall be associated with the DFG Research Training Group 2297 "Mathematical Complexity Reduction" [3]. It offers manifold possibilities for independent research and networking, no teaching obligations but teaching opportunities, and a runtime of at least 3 years possibly with a follow-up tenure option. Female candidates are especially encouraged to apply. The qualification goal is a move towards a permanent professor position (see [4] for academic success stories of former MathCoRe PostDocs). For this position, the research interests should be related to complexity reduction.

Candidates for PhD positions may also address other optimization-related topics, such as modeling and algorithm design stimulated by applications in sustainable chemical engineering or medicine. A requisite is an excellent Masters degree in mathematics or a closely related field with a strong emphasis on optimization or control theory and practice.

We encourage you to send an email to kaibel at ovgu.de and/or sager at ovgu.de with further inquiries or an application with a motivation letter and a CV before August 31, 2023. 

[1] https://www.math.uni-magdeburg.de/institute/imo/ag_kaibel/
[2] https://mathopt.de
[3] https://www.mathcore.ovgu.de.
[4] https://www.mathcore.ovgu.de/index.php?show=joinus_successstories

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