[Opt-Net] 3 x PhD scholarships to work on RL/Bayesian Optimization/ML

Richard Allmendinger richard.allmendinger at gmail.com
Tue Mar 21 11:16:43 CET 2023

3 x fully funded PhD projects are available to work on RL, Bayesian
Optimization and ML. All projects feature an interdisciplinary supervisory
team and have an industry partner associated with them, providing
opportunities for placements and follow on employment.  


ironments/?p149231> Mitigation of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms in
Changing Environments

*	EPSRC iCASE project with BAE Systems
*	Generous stipend and funding for conferences/summer schools and
personal development 
*	Co-Supervised by Wei Pan <https://panweihit.github.io/>  (Computer
Science) and Theodore Papamarkou <https://www.theopapamarkou.com/>
*	UK/EU students only 
*	Application deadline 10 April; more details about the project can be
found here


2.	Advanced Bayesian Optimization for Complex and Sustainable
Biopharmaceutical Production Design

*	Based and funded by the ESRC funded CDT in Data Analytics
<https://datacdt.org/> & Society 
*	Project partner is Biopharm Services
*	Co-supervised by Mauricio Alvarez <https://maalvarezl.github.io/>
(Computer Science)
*	All students eligible
*	Application deadline 10 April; more details about the project can be
found here


3.	Machine learning and data analytics for nurturing talent and
performance profiling in cricket

*	Based and funded by the ESRC funded CDT in Data Analytics
<https://datacdt.org/> & Society 
*	Project partner is England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB)
*	All students eligible
*	Application deadline 10 April; more details about the project can be
found here


If you are interested in any of the projects, then do to not hesitate to
contact me (richard.allmendinder at manchester.ac.uk
<mailto:richard.allmendinder at manchester.ac.uk> ) with an up-to-date CV.





Dr Richard Allmendinger | Professor of Applied Artificial Intelligence |
Alan Turing Fellow | School Business Engagement Lead

Alliance Manchester Business School | The University of Manchester | Office:
Room 3.017, Booth Street West, Manchester M15 6PB | Tel: +44(0)161 306 6598
| Email: richard.allmendinger at manchester.ac.uk
<mailto:richard.allmendinger at manchester.ac.uk>  | Web:



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