[Opt-Net] [Call for abstracts and participation] The Finnish Operations Research Society's 50th Anniversary Conference (FORS50)

Miettinen, Kaisa kaisa.miettinen at jyu.fi
Wed May 10 16:26:26 CEST 2023

Dear colleagues,

Please, find below a call for abstracts of the OR conference to be organized in Finland in September - Welcome!

With best regards, Kaisa Miettinen

Dear operations research enthusiasts,

We invite you to submit an abstract and participate in the FORS50 conference organized in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Finnish Operations Research Society, to be held on September 23-24 at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. The conference program includes keynote speeches from distinguished researchers and practitioners in the field of operations research, contributed presentations, and an anniversary banquet! The FORS50 conference provides a forum for researchers, practitioners, and students to share their ideas and accomplishments in operations research. The language of the conference is English.

Key themes of the conference are "Human in Operations Research", "How Operations Research Has Changed the World", and "The Future of Operations Research". The keynote speakers of the conference and the topics of their speeches are available on the conference website (link below).

We encourage conference participants to present their own work in operations research. Those interested in presenting should send an abstract of their presentation. Detailed instructions for submitting abstracts are found at the end of this email. The abstract submission deadline has been extended. Abstracts must be submitted no later than June 2, 2023. Information on accepted abstracts will be given on June 5, 2023 (or earlier on request). Accepted abstracts will be divided into parallel sessions.

Come and join us in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Finnish Operations Research Society!

Kind regards,

The Board of the Society

Important dates and information:

  *   Conference website<https://www.operaatiotutkimus.fi/index.php/fors50/> (https://www.operaatiotutkimus.fi/index.php/fors50/)
  *   Conference date: September 23-24, 2023
  *   Location: Faculty of Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä (Finland).
  *   Venue: Agora building, Mattilanniemi 2.

  *   Registration fee: 160 euros (includes lunch and coffee on both days as well as the anniversary banquet)

  *   Student registration fee: 20 euros (does not include lunch, banquet nor refreshments)

  *   Abstract submission link: The link to submit abstracts is here<https://www.operaatiotutkimus.fi/index.php/fors50-call-for-abstracts/>  (https://www.operaatiotutkimus.fi/index.php/fors50-call-for-abstracts/)
  *   Registration link: The link for registration can be found here<https://www.operaatiotutkimus.fi/index.php/fors50-registration/> (https://www.operaatiotutkimus.fi/index.php/fors50-registration/)
Important dates:

  *   Abstract submission deadline: June 2, 2023

  *   Abstract acceptance notification: June 5, 2023

  *   Registration deadline: June 28, 2023
For inquiries related to the anniversary conference: giovanni.a.misitano at jyu.fi<mailto:giovanni.a.misitano at jyu.fi>
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