[Opt-Net] GECCO 2024 Call for workshop proposals

Nguyen Dang nttd at st-andrews.ac.uk
Fri Oct 13 23:13:08 CEST 2023

[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call]

*** Call for GECCO 2024 Workshops ***

2024 ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2024)

July 14-18, 2024, Melbourne, Australia and Virtual (hybrid conference) https://gecco-2024.sigevo.org

The Workshops Chairs of GECCO 2024 invite domain experts to submit proposals for organizing a workshop at GECCO 2024. The non-extendable deadline is:

Workshop Proposal Deadline:       November 2, 2023 (AoE)

            Acceptance Decision:                      December 7, 2023

Workshops at GECCO provide the possibility to commonly develop visions and exchange ideas in an informal setting, especially if focused on an emerging research field or interdisciplinary research area. In contrast to regular sessions, workshops can (and should) host interactive sessions (discussions, demonstrations, etc.). Attendance at the workshops will be free to all GECCO attendees.

Workshop organizers are responsible for coordination and publicity. If paper submissions are invited for the workshop (this is not a requirement!), workshop organizers take care of the review process, under the supervision of the GECCO 2024 workshop chairs. If applicable, workshop organizers also provide a list of additional (invited) speakers and titles of talks to be given.

Note that organizers, participants and presenters must register for the conference.

We strongly encourage workshops in hybrid mode rather than online only.

If possible, at least one organizer of each workshop should attend the conference in person.

Accepted workshop papers will be published as part of a Companion volume to the conference proceedings in the ACM Digital library.

* Workshop Proposal Submission *

Workshop Proposals are submitted using the form in the GECCO 2024 web page


Instructions on how to login in the web page and how to create an account are provided in the webpage.

Submitters should be prepared to provide the following information:

1. The workshop title and acronym (or short title). Please refrain from using

special characters in the title.

2. A description of scope and content, and whether the workshop is in hybrid mode or online only. Those fields will be displayed on the website as the default description for the workshop if it is accepted.

3. The name, affiliation, email and short bio of the organizer(s). The first

organizer will be the default contact person, but more organizers can be

designated as contact person.

4. (Optional) A URL with more info about the workshop.

5. The expected number of participants to the workshop.

6. Whether the organizers plan to invite speakers to the workshop.

7. (Optional but highly encouraged) A description of any interactive activity

or demo planned within the workshop.

8.  The estimated duration (1 to max 4 sessions) and type of sessions, e.g. the

expected presentation formats (invited, submitted), interactive elements, etc. One

session lasts 110 minutes. A typical workshop takes at most two sessions.

9. (Optional) If this workshop (or a similar event coordinated by the same

organizers or a subset of them) has taken place in previous years, either at

GECCO or at other events, please include URLs to the event pages.

10. (Optional) Any other relevant information to help evaluate the workshop


* Reviewing of Proposals *

Workshop proposals will be reviewed by the Workshop Chairs and other members of

the GECCO 2024 organizing committee, based on GECCO attendees' likely interest,

the breadth and the depth of the topic(s), and the expertise and credentials of

the organizer(s).

* More Information and Contact *

For questions regarding the workshops at GECCO 2024, please contact the Workshops Chairs:

Nabi Omidvar

University of Leeds, United Kingdom

Email: m.n.omidvar (at) leeds.ac.uk

Nguyen Dang

University of St Andrews, United Kingdom

Email: nttd (at) st-andrews.ac.uk

If you encounter issues or have questions about the Workshop Proposal submission process on the GECCO website, please contact the Electronic Media Co-Chairs:

Hirad Assimi
University of Adelaide, Australia
Email: hirad.assimi (at) adelaide.edu.au

Marcella Scoczynski Ribeiro Martins
Federal University of Technology - Parana UTFPR, Brazil
Email: marcella (at) utfpr.edu.br

We’re looking forward to receiving your workshop proposals!

Best wishes,

GECCO 2024 workshop chairs,

Nabi Omidvar and Nguyen Dang

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