[Opt-Net] Open post-doctoral position at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland - Are you interested in joining the Multiobjective Optimization Group?

Miettinen, Kaisa kaisa.miettinen at jyu.fi
Tue Jan 30 18:14:57 CET 2024

Dear Recipient,

We are recruiting a post-doctoral researcher for 1-3 years to work at the Faculty of Information Technology (https://www.jyu.fi/en/it), University of Jyvaskyla (https://www.jyu.fi/en) in Finland as a member of the Multiobjective Optimization Group (http://www.mit.jyu.fi/optgroup) in close collaboration with the JYU.Well community https://www.jyu.fi/en/research/jyuwell-school-of-wellbeing/jyuwell-research-spearheads/jyuwell-profiling-area-2023-2028. The application deadline is February 21, 2024. For more information, see https://ats.talentadore.com/apply/postdoctoral-researcher-jyu-well/8RboLr
Applications are to be submitted via the online application system (button at the top of the above-mentioned page).

The focus of the recruited post-doctoral researcher will be devoted to applications of wellbeing with the help of methods of multiobjective optimization and decision analytics. An example of our publications giving an example of the field is https://doi.org/10.1080/07853890.2021.2024876. If you are recruited in this postdoctoral position, you will have excellent collaboration networks with both experts in the Multiobjective Optimization Group and the JYU.Well community and access to e.g. various types of data. Our mission is not only to understand data and make forecasts based on data but make optimized recommendations and decisions based on the data. In making good decisions, we take multiple conflicting objective functions into account simultaneously - thus we support a decision maker or decision makers in finding the best balance among the conflicting objective functions by augmenting data with domain expertise of decision makers. This is a unique opportunity to work with problems that really matter.
We welcome new, talented members to the Multiobjective Optimization Group. The Group works on multiobjective optimization as well as decision/prescriptive analytics and data-driven/data-enabled optimization. We develop methods for supporting decision making in the presence of multiple conflicting objective functions. Therefore, knowledge of multiobjective optimization is required. To be a bit more specific, the group develops methods as well as software and works with various applications of multiobjective optimization. We specialize on interactive multiobjective optimization methods (both scalarization-based and evolutionary methods and their hybrids). We are interested in supporting a single decision maker as well as groups of decision makers. We also develop visualizations and apply artificial intelligence, machine learning tools and explainability as a part of the decision support processes. We are developing an open source software framework DESDEO for interactive multiobjective optimization methods (desdeo.it.jyu.fi<http://desdeo.it.jyu.fi/>). Furthermore, we are actively involved in a thematic research area called Decision Analytics utilizing Causal Models and Multiobjective Optimization (DEMO, jyu.fi/demo<http://www.jyu.fi/demo>) where the objective is to support data-driven decision making. The open position is connected to this - developing tools for data-driven or data-enabled decision support with e.g. wellbeing, health and rehabilitation as examples of applications.

The postdoctoral researcher's duties focus on internationally high-level research in the focus areas of the JYU.Well profiling area 2023-2028 | University of Jyväskylä<https://www.jyu.fi/en/research/jyuwell-school-of-wellbeing/jyuwell-research-spearheads/jyuwell-profiling-area-2023-2028>. The duties include supporting the interdisciplinary development of wellbeing research and activities, and participating in acquiring external funding. The postdoctoral researcher is also expected to participate in societal interaction together with the JYU.Well research community, supervising students and in teaching within their own areas of expertise. The amount of teaching duties is rather small. Rather recently graduated researchers with a doctoral degree relevant to these areas are most welcome to apply! For more, see the call for applications.

For information about application guidelines and a link to the electronic application system, see https://ats.talentadore.com/apply/postdoctoral-researcher-jyu-well/8RboLr

Please, forward this announcement to those who might be interested in the positions. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions!

With best regards, Kaisa Miettinen
Professor Kaisa Miettinen, PhD
University of Jyvaskyla
Multiobjective Optimization Group: http://www.mit.jyu.fi/optgroup/
Faculty of Information Technology, P.O. Box 35 (Agora)
FI-40014 University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
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* Director of the thematic research area Decision Analytics utilizing Causal Models
and Multiobjective Optimization, http://www.jyu.fi/demo
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tel. +358 50 3732247 (mob.)
email: kaisa.miettinen at jyu.fi
homepage: http://www.mit.jyu.fi/miettine and http://www.mit.jyu.fi/miettine/engl.html
* Developing open source software framework DESDEO for interactive methods: https://desdeo.it.jyu.fi<https://desdeo.it.jyu.fi/>
My book: Nonlinear Multiobjective Optimization, Kluwer (Springer):  http://www.mit.jyu.fi/miettine/book/
* My publications: http://www.mit.jyu.fi/miettine/publ.html

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