[Opt-Net] Deadline approaching. EURO Summer Institute: Decision-making under uncertainty for commodities and financial markets. Forio d’Ischia (Na), Italy, September 15 – 25, 2024. Deadline 15th May 2024.

Sarah Fores manager at euro-online.org
Sun May 12 15:02:23 CEST 2024

Apologies for cross-posting

EURO Summer Institute: Decision-making under uncertainty for commodities
and financial markets.
Forio d’Ischia (Na), Italy, September 15 – 25, 2024.
Deadline 15th May 2024.


The main purpose of ESI is to establish a network of outstanding people who
will continue to work together in the future.

Participation in an ESI should be regarded as a considerable honour. The
main objective of an ESI is to give a limited number of carefully selected
representatives of the next generation a unique opportunity for
establishing a personal network and for addressing an international
audience and thus to create new research groups around the topic chosen.

The basic idea is that around 25 early stage researchers, who are either
PhD students or who have less than two years research experience since
completing a PhD can meet for about two weeks. All participants will have
an unpublished paper within the theme announced, and will present their
material, discuss it with others and with a handful of specially invited
senior experts in the field, and finally prepare a paper to be considered
for inclusion in a feature issue of an OR publication.

The scientific sessions will be hosted at the hotel Sorriso Thermae, and
laureates will share a double room with another laureate.

Scientific Program

To be eligible, a candidate must be the main contributor of a
single-authored or co-authored paper related to the field of Optimization
under Uncertainty, which has not yet been published or accepted for
publication. Topics of interest are, for example:

Optimization techniques under uncertainty

Stochastic programming

Robust optimization

Distributionally robust optimization

Portfolio selections and risk management

Credit risk management in financial institutions

Machine Learning to identify risk drivers in ESG investments

Each laureate will give a presentation of 60 minutes about their paper,
including questions. Moreover, there will be presentations from
international experts. In addition to those presentations, we intend to
hold several workshops, each coordinated by two or three of the invited
speakers. During these workshops, the laureates, split into groups, will
have the chance of working together on a given topic. After two days, each
group will present its findings to all laureates. These workshops give the
laureates the opportunity to delve deeper into some of the topics addressed
in the talks of the experts. Furthermore, we hope to encourage laureates to
work together on some problems and, hopefully, lay the grounds for future
collaborations among them.

Finally, we are very pleased to say that there will be a special issue of
Annals of Operational Research (AOR) covering the topics of the ESI and
that selected papers of the Institute will be eligible for submission.

Applying to the ESI

If accepted, the ESI will cover the full cost for accommodation and board
of each laureate for the duration of the institute.

Who can apply?

To apply to the ESI, you

Have to be a current PhD student or researcher with less than two years
research experience since completing your PhD.

Have to come from a EURO member society country, or study in a EURO member
society country.
Additionally, up to two candidates can be appointed by IFORS, according to
the EURO and IFORS exchange for ESWIs (see below for additional

Must not have been a laureate of a previous EURO Summer/Winter Institute.

What to submit?

A Curriculum Vitae, including information about your education, research
projects, publications, awards, and other pertinent experiences (pdf

A single-authored or co-authored paper in the field of “Optimization under
Uncertainty” where you are the main contributor and which has not yet been
published or accepted for publication (pdf format).

A statement outlining your motivation for participating in the ESI (at most
one page).

A letter of recommendation from one referee (preferably the thesis advisor
or head of department).

How to submit?

Upload all  the required document by clicking on the following link:


The deadline for submission is May 15, 2024.

What next?

The admission process for candidates will focus on the quality of their
submitted paper, their scientific background as well as their interest in
the field of Optimization under Uncertainty. Applicants might be asked to
clarify their statement before the final decision.

The Scientific Committee selects and ranks the candidates and the
Organizing Committee will liaise with the national OR societies to secure
funding to cover travel expenses (which are not included in the ESI grant).

The Scientific Committee will notify applicants about the final decision by
email by 15 June 2024.

The selected applicants will be announced in the official program and
published on the web page.

Dr Sarah Fores, FORS
Manager of EURO

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