<font size=3>Call for Nominations--INFORMS Optimization Society Prizes
for 2010<br><br>
The Optimization Society of INFORMS calls for nominations for four prizes
to be awarded at the 2010 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Austin, TX, in
November. Each prize recognizes outstanding contributions to
optimization by individuals at different stages of their career.
The deadline for nominations is July 31, 2010. See
<a href="http://optimization.society.informs.org/prizes.html" eudora="autourl">
http://optimization.society.informs.org/prizes.html</a> for detailed
prize descriptions and nomination procedures. Brief descriptions of
the prizes and prize committees are provided here:<br><br>
- The Khachiyan Prize for Life-time Accomplishments in Optimization will
be awarded for the first time in 2010. Prize committee: Martin
Groetschel, Arkadi Nemirovski, Panos Pardalos, Tamas Terlaky (chair)<br>
- The Farkas Prize for Mid-Career Researchers is awarded to individuals
within 25 years from the Ph.D. Prize committee: Gerard Cornuejols,
Jong-Shi Pang (chair), Kees Roos, Yinyu Ye<br>
- The Prize for Young Researchers is awarded to individuals within 7
years from the Ph.D. Prize committee: Nick Sahinidis (chair), Alper
Yildirim, Jiawei Zhang<br>
- The Student Paper Prize for a paper written primarily by (a)
student(s). Prize committee: Miguel Anjos, Alper Atamturk, Sven
Leyffer (chair)<br><br>
Nick Sahinidis<br>
Chair, INFORMS Optimization Society<br>