<br><br>*** Apologies for possible cross postings ***<br>________________________<br><br>Computational Nonlinear Optimization:<br>Model Development, Algorithms, Software, and Applications<br><br>An intensive course presented by<br>
János D. Pintér, PhD, DSc<br>PCS Inc. & Dalhousie University, Canada<br><a href="http://www.pinterconsulting.com" target="_blank">www.pinterconsulting.com</a><br><br>Venue and Dates<br>Széchenyi István University, Gyor, Hungary, May 13-24, 2013<br>
<a href="http://uni.sze.hu/en_GB/home" target="_blank">http://uni.sze.hu/en_GB/home</a><br><br>Summary<br><br>The course will be presented in 10 days, with the intention of covering materials equivalent to a full university semester. <br>
Three hours of lectures will be presented per day (Monday to Friday); a corresponding amount of daily study effort <br>is expected from the attendees.<br><br>Course attendees - university students and professionals - should have a sufficient undergraduate mathematics background <br>
(calculus, algebra, probability); systems modeling and computational experience will be an asset. Upon completing the course, <br>attendees will receive an official certificate from the University.<br><br>For further details regarding the course, feel free to contact Dr. Pintér at <a href="mailto:janos.d.pinter@gmail.com" target="_blank">janos.d.pinter@gmail.com</a>. <br>
<br>For details regarding logistics (travel, accommodation, etc.), please contact Ms. R. Varga at <<a href="mailto:vargar@sze.hu" target="_blank">vargar@sze.hu</a>>. <br>________________________<br><div>