<div dir="ltr"><span style="font-family:courier new,monospace">================================================================<br> CALL FOR PAPERS<br> International Conference on Swarm Intelligence<br>
Based Optimization (ICSIBO)<br><br><br><b>*** Deadline Extension *** : The ICSIBO'2014 submission deadline has been extended to March 1, 2014 23h59 CET.<br><br>*** Publication in journal *** : Post-proceedings published in a LNCS SPRINGER volume. The highest quality papers will be proposed for quick publication in Springer's Swarm Intelligence (indexed in Thomson Reuters' JCR).<br>
</b><br><br>Conference Dates: May 13-14, 2014, Mulhouse, France<br>Conference URL: <a href="http://www.mage.fst.uha.fr/icsibo2014/">http://www.mage.fst.uha.fr/icsibo2014/</a><br>================================================================<br>
<br><br>DATES:<br>=========================<br> March 1, 2014 *** Extended Deadline *** Submission of papers (see web site for instructions)<br> March 29, 2014 Notification of acceptance<br> April 15, 2014 Final papers and Registration<br>
May 13-14, 2014 The International Conference on Swarm Intelligence Based Optimization (ICSIBO'2014)<br><br><br>SCOPE AND LIST OF TOPICS:<br>=========================<br>The International Conference on Swarm Intelligence Based Optimization (ICSIBO'2014) is a continuation of conferences OEP'2003 (Paris), OEP'2007 (Paris) and ICSI'2011 (Cergy-Pontoise).<br>
<br><br>The aim of ICSIBO'2014 conference is to highlight the theoretical progress of swarm intelligence metaheuristics and their applications.<br><br>In particular, the plenary talk by Maurice Clerc will explore some alternatives to the use of classical random numbers generators in stochastic algorithms.<br>
<br><br>Swarm Intelligence is a computational intelligence technique involving the study of collective behavior in decentralized systems.<br>Such systems are made up of a population of simple individuals interacting locally with one another and with their environment.<br>
Although there is generally no centralized control on the behavior of individuals, local interactions among individuals often cause a global pattern to emerge.<br>Examples of such systems can be found in nature, including ant colonies, animal herding, bacteria foraging, bee swarms, and many more.<br>
<br><br>Topics of interest include but are not limited to:<br> - Theoretical advances of swarm intelligence metaheuristics<br> - Combinatorial, discrete, binary, constrained, multi-objective, multi-modal, dynamic, noisy, and large-scale optimization<br>
- Artificial immune systems, particle swarms, ant colony, bacterial foraging, artificial bees, fireflies algorithm<br> - Hybridization of algorithms<br> - Parallel/distributed computing, machine learning, data mining, data clustering, decision making and multi-agent systems based on swarm intelligence principles<br>
- Adaptation and applications of swarm intelligence principles to real world problems in various domains, including medicine, biology, chemistry, finance, insurance, economics, social sciences, transportation, tourism, education, defense, telecommunications, energy, management, information retrieval, software engineering, fraud detection, environment, remote-sensing, robots<br>
<br><br>SPECIAL SESSIONS:<br>=========================<br>Proposals for Special Sessions are welcome. Last date: March 1st, 2014. If you are interested in organizing a special session in the conference,<br>please contact <a href="mailto:siarry@u-pec.fr">siarry@u-pec.fr</a>, <a href="mailto:lhassane.idoumghar@uha.fr">lhassane.idoumghar@uha.fr</a> and <a href="mailto:julien.lepagnot@uha.fr">julien.lepagnot@uha.fr</a>.<br>
<br><br>PANEL PROPOSALS:<br>=========================<br>The organizers encourage scientists and industry leaders to organize dedicated panels dealing with controversial and challenging topics and paradigms.<br>Submissions of original and unpublished work related to swarm intelligence are invited, including, theory, development, and applications.<br>
Areas of focus include particle swarm optimization, ant colony optimization, foraging techniques, and other swarm intelligence related topics.<br>Authors are invited to submit their original and unpublished work without any limitation to the above related subjects.<br>
For more information, please contact <a href="mailto:siarry@u-pec.fr">siarry@u-pec.fr</a>, <a href="mailto:lhassane.idoumghar@uha.fr">lhassane.idoumghar@uha.fr</a> and <a href="mailto:julien.lepagnot@uha.fr">julien.lepagnot@uha.fr</a>.<br>
<br><br>WORKSHOP PROPOSALS:<br>=========================<br>We welcome workshop proposals on complementary issues to the topics of this conference.<br>Your requests should be forwarded to <a href="mailto:siarry@u-pec.fr">siarry@u-pec.fr</a>, <a href="mailto:lhassane.idoumghar@uha.fr">lhassane.idoumghar@uha.fr</a> and <a href="mailto:julien.lepagnot@uha.fr">julien.lepagnot@uha.fr</a>.<br>
<br><br>PUBLICATION IN JOURNAL:<br>=========================<br>Selected papers will be published as a post-proceedings in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (indexed by EI, ISTP, DBLP, and ISI). The highest quality papers will be proposed for quick publication in Springer's Swarm Intelligence (indexed in Thomson Reuters' JCR).<br>
<br><br>The conference chairs:<br><br>Lhassane Idoumghar Associate Professor, University of Haute-Alsace<br>Julien Lepagnot Associate Professor, University of Haute-Alsace<br>Patrick Siarry Professor, University of Paris-Est Créteil<br>