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Technische Universität Berlin offers an open position:<br>
<b>Research Assistant (PostDoc) - salary grade E14 TV-L Berliner
Hochschulen - Head of MATH+ Junior Research Group</b><br>
The Berlin Mathematics Research Center MATH+ is a dynamic
interdisciplinary research center that focuses on application-<br>
driven mathematical research relevant to our society. Its three main
goals are to train highly skilled young mathematicians across the
entire breadth of mathematics, to develop innovative
application-oriented mathematics with a focus on data-driven
modelling, simulation, and optimization, and to open up new
mathematical thinking spaces. MATH+ is supported by Berlin
mathematics as a whole in cooperation with other scientific
disciplines. Moreover, MATH+ strives to communicate its findings
actively to the general public. <br>
MATH+ will fund six positions for heads of independent junior
research groups in application-driven basic mathematical<br>
research, in order to strengthen support for excellent young
researchers who already have some years of postdoc experience,<br>
and to give them a head start in building their own research profile
and group within the supportive environment of<br>
a large Cluster of Excellence.<br>
The position is limited until 31 December 2022; a
three-year-extension after a positive evaluation is possible, under
reserve that funds are granted.<br>
Reference number: II-589/19 (starting at 01/01/20 / until 31
december 2022; an extension is envisaged / closing date for<br>
applications 30/09/19)<br>
Working field: Research in the field of "Mathematical Foundations of
Data Science”, for example, in the field of applied<br>
harmonic analysis, imaging science, compressed sensing, machine
learning or statistical learning theory.<br>
* Successfully completed university degree (Master, Diplom or
equivalent) and doctoral dissertation in Mathematics, Computer
Science or related disciplines.<br>
* Research experience in “Mathematical Foundations of Data Science”<br>
* Excellent written and spoken English<br>
* Applicants should be distinguished by an excellent doctorate and
their own research results in this area and should have achieved
initial international visibility.<br>
More information can be obtained from Prof. Dr. Martin Skutella (<a
Please send your written application with the reference number and
the usual documents preferably by e-mail in one PDF-document to <a
href="mailto:personal@mathplus.de">personal@mathplus.de</a> or in
writing to Technische Universität Berlin - Der Präsident - Fakultät
II, Institut für Mathematik, MATH+ Personal, Prof. Dr. Skutella,
Sekr. MA 2-2, Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin. Please send
copies only. Original documents will not be returned.<br>
The vacancy is also available on the internet at<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
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Prof. Dr. Gitta Kutyniok
Einstein Chair for Mathematics, TU Berlin
Courtesy Professor for Computed Science and Electrical Engineering, TU Berlin
Adjunct Professor for Machine Learning, University of Tromsø
Technische Universität Berlin
Institute of Mathematics, Sekr. MA 5-4
10623 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 (030) 314 25758
Fax: +49 (030) 314 21604
E-Mail: <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:kutyniok@math.tu-berlin.de">kutyniok@math.tu-berlin.de</a>
Web: <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="http://www.math.tu-berlin.de/~kutyniok">www.math.tu-berlin.de/~kutyniok</a>