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<title></title></head><body>We are proud to announce the International Workshop "Controlling Complexity: From Nonlinear Systems To Complex Networks And Beyond". <br>
The workshop aims at bringing together researchers from the fields of nonlinear systems and control, optimization, and complex networks to celebrate the 70th birthday of Franco Garofalo who started the research group on nonlinear systems and complex networks at the University of Naples Federico II with a group of students and colleagues who are now established researchers in Italy and abroad. The workshop will gather scholars from the Control Community to share their views and perspectives on the emerging challenges in the analysis, design and control of complex systems. We welcome the participation of young researchers and PhD students. <br>
<b>The workshop will take place on the island of Ischia near Naples, Italy on the 9th and 10th September 2022. </b><br>
There are some limited place for those interested in attending. <b> Early registration will end on August, 28th</b>.<br>
For more information on the workshop and for registrations please check the website: <a href='https://www.sicc-it.org/ConCom22'>https://www.sicc-it.org/ConCom22</a>
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