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<td valign="top" class="ttl02">Beale — Orchard-Hays Prize - Call for nominations 2024</td>
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<p><strong>Call for nominations for the 2024 Beale — Orchard-Hays Prize</strong></p>
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Nominations are hereby invited for the 2024 Beale — Orchard-Hays Prize for Excellence in Computational Mathematical Programming. The Prize is sponsored by the Mathematical Optimization Society, in memory of Martin Beale and William Orchard-Hays, pioneers in computational optimization. It is awarded to the authors of work that exemplifies excellence in this field, with a formal presentation ceremony at the International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), July 21-26 in Montreal, Canada.
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Nominated works must have been appeared in the open literature between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2023, and may demonstrate excellence in any aspect of computational optimization, including the development of high-quality optimization algorithms and software, the experimental evaluation of optimization algorithms, and the development of new methods for the empirical testing of optimization techniques. Full details of prize criteria and eligibility may be consulted <a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.mathopt.org/?nav=boh__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!cdVw8kvrQmUUEmlXRX37OQS-YHCHIctF5F6JHqOWkmI60U2mzpY59g70QNryqWZolOuRz9TwV8vvw80dZafKnSW1gp4$">here</a>.
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The members of the 2024 Beale — Orchard-Hays Prize committee are:
<li>Jonathan Eckstein, (Chair) Rutgers University, USA</li>
<li>Serhat Aybat, Pennsylvania State University, USA</li>
<li>Hande Benson, Drexel University, USA</li>
<li>Daniel Bienstock, Columbia University, USA</li>
<li>Hans Mittelmann, Arizona State University, USA</li>
<li>Paulo José da Silva e Silva, University of Campinas, Brazil</li>
<li>Lars Schewe, University of Edinburgh, UK</li>
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Nominations should provide publication details, a short summary of the nominated paper, and a case for awarding the prize. The paper’s final published version should be included as an attachment. The Prize Committee may choose to request further supporting material and justification from the nominees.
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The deadline for nominations is <strong>
January 5, 2024.
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Nominations should be submitted to Jonathan Eckstein, <a href="mailto:jeckstei@business.rutgers.edu">jeckstei@business.rutgers.edu</a>. The nominating materials should clearly indicate the return addresses to be used for confirmation and further correspondence.
Previous winners of the Beale — Orchard-Hays Prize are
listed <a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.mathopt.org/?nav=boh*winners__;Iw!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!cdVw8kvrQmUUEmlXRX37OQS-YHCHIctF5F6JHqOWkmI60U2mzpY59g70QNryqWZolOuRz9TwV8vvw80dZafK3ptxJh4$">here</a>. Further information about the
Beale — Orchard-Hays Prize may be found <a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.mathopt.org/?nav=boh__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!cdVw8kvrQmUUEmlXRX37OQS-YHCHIctF5F6JHqOWkmI60U2mzpY59g70QNryqWZolOuRz9TwV8vvw80dZafKnSW1gp4$">here</a>.