[Scip] include constant term in objective function

Markus Leitner leitner at ads.tuwien.ac.at
Tue Dec 2 16:29:01 MET 2008

Hi all,

I am using scip to solve a network design problem by branch & price.

In one specific case, the objective function of my formulation contains a constant term, i.e. it looks as follows:

min ... + \sum p_k (1-y_k)

where y_k are variables and p_k are constants.
Therefore, the objective contains the constant term P = \sum p_k.

However, I could in principle reformulate the objective to avoid this constant - but for comparison reasons to existing approaches - as well as for convenience - I would really prefer using the current objective function.

Is there any option - which I have overseen - to include such a constant in the objective?

I already tried to add an artificial variable with the corresponding objective value fixed to one but the presolver eliminates this variable (which is of course not a big surprise ;-) ) - finally leading to a "optimal" solution in the transformed problem which is not feasible in the original problem.

Any hints & suggestions highly appreciated!

Best Regards,

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