[Scip] how to get the lower and upper bounds of each integer variable

Stefan Heinz heinz at zib.de
Sun Dec 20 11:41:51 MET 2009

Hi Xiangyong,

> At each node in the B&B tree, I want to get the lower and upper bounds for
> some integer variables. I checked the manual of SCIP and found two
> routines:
> SCIPvarGetLbGlobala( CIPvarGetUbGlobal )
> and
> SCIPvarGetLbLocal( SCIPvarGetUbLocal)
> Should I use the local methods?  What is the different between global and
> local bounds?  Thanks.
Yes you are right, you have to use the SCIPvarGetLbLocal() and
SCIPvarGetUbLocal(). These two methods give you the bounds for the current
B&B tree node of any variable. The methods SCIPvarGetLbGlobal() and
SCIPvarGerUbGlobal() give the global bounds for any variables, these
bounds are valid for all B&B nodes.

Merry Christmas

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