[Scip] getting LP dual solutions

Alberto Ceselli ceselli at dti.unimi.it
Thu Jan 22 12:18:47 MET 2009

Hi all!

I'm using SCIP as a general purpose solver, that is I read a problem
in .mps format and try to optimize it. Let's say I set a nodes limit and
stop optimization at the root node. Is there a way of getting the value
of the dual variable of each constraint in the last LP solution? 

I've tried to get the vector of problem constraints with

SCIP_CONS ** conss = SCIPgetConss(scip);

guessing there's a method like 

SCIPgetDualsol(scip, conss[i])

but all I've been able to find are methods like

SCIPgetDualsolLinear(scip, conss[i]) or
SCIPgetDualsolSetppc(scip, conss[i])

However, I don't know in advance which type the constraint would be.

Is there a method for getting the dual solution for generic constraints,
or to get the type of a constraint given its pointer?

Many thanks,


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