[Scip] Infeasible results in scip, feasible in exported problem

Gerald Gamrath gamrath at zib.de
Fri Jan 29 13:39:12 MET 2010

Hi Martin,

> SCIP_SOL* sol = SCIPgetBestSol(scip);
Are you sure, that there already exists a primal solution at this point? 
Otherwise, sol would be set to NULL and you would get the solution 
values of the current LP solution.

If sol is set to NULL, please print the value of SCIPgetLPSolstat(), if 
the LP is not solved to optimality (value 1), there might be saved an 
infeasible primal solution.

If sol is not NULL, please check which heuristic found the solution, by 
printing SCIPheurGetName( SCIPsolGetHeur(sol) ).

Do you use lazy bounds?

Best, Gerald

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