[Scip] Fwd: getting column coefficients and realloc error
Stefan Heinz
heinz at zib.de
Wed May 19 20:35:36 MEST 2010
Hi Mattia,
> In my branching plugin, I try doing this:
> for (int v = 0; v < nlpcands; v++) {
> cVar = lpcands[v];
> *//include var*
> SCIPstartDive(scip);
> SCIPchgVarLbDive(scip, cVar, 1.0);
> SCIPchgVarUbDive(scip, cVar, 1.0);
> SCIPsolveDiveLP(scip, -1, error);
> LPval1 = SCIPgetLowerbound(scip);
> SCIPendDive(scip);
> * //exclude var*
> SCIPstartDive(scip);
> SCIPchgVarLbDive(scip, cVar, 0.0);
> SCIPchgVarUbDive(scip, cVar, 0.0);
> SCIPsolveDiveLP(scip, -1, error);
> LPval1 = SCIPgetLowerbound(scip);
> SCIPendDive(scip);
> LPval = MIN(LPval1, LPval2);
> *//take max of LPval of all fractional variables*
> if (LPval > bestLPval) {
> bestLPval = LPval;
> bestVarIndex = v;
> }
> }
> But what I get is an incorrect primal bound (integer) solution. I suppose
> this happens because a change in Lower/Upper bound in this way is done
> permanently, while what I hope to get is a change only during the time I
> solve the LP to select the best variable. Then I want the variable's
> Upper/Lower bound come back to its original values, letting me going on to
> the usual branching process without any changes in the variables (I will
> include or exclude "arcs" from paths, not entire variables).
I do not understand the Problem yet. First, if the above code is just a copy
of the real code, then there is bug. Since one of these lines
> LPval1 = SCIPgetLowerbound(scip);
should be
> LPval2 = SCIPgetLowerbound(scip);
Second, with this call you should get a dual value and not a primal value.
Besides that you should try SCIPgetNodeLowerbound() instead of
> > - After few nodes the actives variables are a lot (1000 to 20k
> > variables,
> >
> > > considering 70-nodes problems). These are all the variables that my
> >
> > pricer
> >
> > > plugin find, but in practice only a half (or less) are active columns
> > > of the current LP at one node (I suppose that SCIP has a own mechanism
> > > to define a pool of active columns).
> >
> > Yes that is the case.
> >
> > > Thousands of columns are anyway too
> > > much, because the LP solving process is very slow. Is there anyway to
> > > better manage this problem?
> >
> > I am not sure if I got your question right. I try to answer it in the
> > follwing
> > way:
> > There is one problem in the current version of SCIP. It is not possible
> > to remove variables from the problem. In your case I would suggest to
> > select only
> > a certain number of the variables your pricer creates for adding to your
> > problem in each round. That might help to reduce the amount of useless
> > variables in the end.
> Instead it may help to remove from the current LP variables whit a very
> high positive (min object sense) reduced cost. How can I deal whit this
> approach?
SCIP does that for you already. The only thing you have to do, is to allow
that a variable can be removed from the LP. To do this you have to set the
parameter "removable" in the method call SCIPcreateVar() to TRUE.
Hope that helps.
-- Stefan
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