[Scip] Compiling against latest Xpress

Magnus Ågren agren at sics.se
Thu Sep 16 20:02:43 MEST 2010


> Hi,
> There are some known issues with the current SCIP interface for Xpress that conflicts with the Xpress Optimizer release 19.00 or later. We have fixed most causes of conflicts and also several performance related issues and are currently testing it and cleaning up any remaining minor issues. I expect we should be able to release it back to the SCIP community shortly.
> Magnus: Until the final version is ready, we can try sending you our current version, which should work well enough.

thanks! Currently it is not that urgent though, but I'm looking
forward to trying it when it is released.

Best regards,


> Regards,
> Michael
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: scip-bounces at zib.de [mailto:scip-bounces at zib.de] On Behalf Of
>> Stefan Heinz
>> Sent: 16 September 2010 16:41
>> To: Magnus Ågren
>> Cc: scip at zib.de
>> Subject: Re: [Scip] Compiling against latest Xpress
>> Hi,
>> the interface to Xpress was developed by Michael Perregaard. Since we
>> have no
>> Xpress at ZIB, it is most likely that the interface does not work with
>> the
>> current Xpress version since we cannot test and fix it.
>> If you are able to fix the issues with Xpress interface (I can help
>> you, if you
>> have any questions.), it would be wonderful if you provide that version
>> for
>> the  SCIP community.
>> Best Stefan
>> On Thursday 16 September 2010 12:24:25 Magnus Ågren wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am trying to compile SCIP against the latest version of Xpress from
>>> FICO, version 20.00.21, but do not succeed.
>>> The library files of my Xpress version are different from the ones
>>> mentioned in the installation instructions. Is this latest version of
>>> Xpress supported by SCIP?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Magnus Ågren
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