[Scip] Calling a separator

Hélène Toussaint helene.toussaint at isima.fr
Thu Apr 5 13:46:21 MEST 2012


I have implemented a separator using the C++ class. I have redefined 
only the scip_execlp method. I see in the doc that this method is called 
in the LP solving loop. However it is never called when I run my 
program. I have called SCIPincludeObjSepa before solving and tried 
several priority flags. I put freq = maxbounddist = 1 and delay = false.
I'd like scip_execlp be called before branching (since it should help me 
to get rid of some fractional solutions). Do I forget something ?

Morever I have also  a pricer so the constraints generated  by the 
separator must be updated when I get new variables. I would like to know 
if it may cause potential errors in SCIP ?

If somebody have an example implementing a separator I would be happy to 
have a look to it :).

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