[Scip] implementation of Gomory cuts

Domenico Salvagnin dominiqs at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 03:46:04 MEST 2012

I am not sure about what's happening in your instance, but the variable bound substitution may be the one to blame here (this is an heuristic that is applied after the generation of the tableau row but before the application of the GMI formula).

Try setting USEVBDS to FALSE in sepa_gomory.c and see if the problem remains.
In case, you can send me the instance.


On Oct 10, 2012, at 8:32 PM, Miles Lubin wrote:

> Hello,
> I was looking into the effectiveness of Gomory cuts on a particular
> (pure) 0-1 model, and with debugging output I discovered that most of
> the cuts generated were not actually added because the row activity
> was less than the upper bound (so the cut is not violated).
> For example:
> debug:  -> success=1: -0.666667 <= 4
> I'm a bit confused by this, because I believe Gomory cuts are
> guaranteed to cut off the current LP solution (even if not by much) if
> based on any row of the tableau with a fractional value. I see that
> the Gomory cuts are generated using the MIR routines, as described in
> Proposition 8.5 (p. 106) of Tobias Achterberg's thesis, but these are
> also guaranteed to cut off the current LP solution by inspecting the
> formula on p.106.
> The IP is pretty well-conditioned, so I don't believe that numerical
> issues are to blame. Is there something important that I don't
> understand, or could this be a bug?
> Thanks!
> Miles
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