[Scip] Reminder: SCIP-Workshop
Marc Pfetsch
pfetsch at mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de
Fri Sep 28 04:12:22 MEST 2012
Dear SCIP-Users,
we would like to remind you of the SCIP workshop on
October 8 and 9 (Monday/Tuesday), 2012, in Darmstadt.
There will also be a SCIP-introduction on October 10 (Wednesday).
More information can be found here:
If you would like to participate and have not yet signed up, please send
us an email.
There will be a "plenary" lecture of Prof. Marco Lübbecke on
Branch-and-cut-and-Price at the beginning. Since it is a workshop, we
planed ample time to have discussions after and between the talks. A
tentative schedule is the following:
Speaker Topic
DAY 1 (October, 8):
13.00: Introduction M. Pfetsch SCIP and some of its features
13.45: Plenary Talk M. Lübbecke Branch-and-cut-and-Price
15.30: Break
16.00: Talk M. Bergner An exact column generation approach to the cut
packing problem
16.30: Talk C. Puchert Primal heuristics for the Branch-and-Price
solver GCG
17:00: Break
17.30: Talk J. Cussens About using SCIP to 'learn' the structure of
Bayesian networks from data
19:00: Dinner
DAY 2 (October, 9):
10.00: Talk S. Mars Solving MISDPs using SCIP
10.30: Talk G. Gamrath Branching in SCIP
11:00: Break
11:30: Talk A. Gleixner Implementation of an OBBT propagator in SCIP
and S. Weltge
12:00: Lunch
13:30: Talk J. Funke About integrating SCIP in a terminal
container management system
14:00: Talk D. Weninger Recently developed MIP presolver plugins in SCIP
14:30: Break
15:00: Talk J. Schweiger Multi-Scenario Topology Optimization in Gas
15:45: Break
16:15: Talk M. Pfetsch Symmetry handling in SCIP
17:00: End
Information about the SCIP introduction has been sent to the
participants. If you have not yet recieved an email, but would like to
participate, please inform us.
Sonja Mars and Marc Pfetsch
Sonja Mars
smars at opt.tu-darmstadt.de
Phone: +49 06151 / 16-70989
WWW: http://www.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/~smars
Prof. Dr. Marc Pfetsch
Phone: +49 06151 / 16-3394
WWW: http://www.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/~pfetsch
Research Group Optimization
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dolivostraße 15
64293 Darmstadt
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