[Scip] Spam on SCIP mailing-list

Timo Berthold berthold at zib.de
Mon Feb 18 16:22:23 MET 2013

Hi everyone,

after being spam-free for seven years, now there was the second
spam-mail on the SCIP mailing list within a few days.
We are sorry about this and we are working on preventing this $h17 to
happen again.

The spam-proof solution would of course be to moderate every posting.
Since this is bad for the communication flow (and more work for us ;-)
), we start an attempt to resolve the issue with some additional
filters. Keep your fingers crossed that this does work out, otherwise we
might have to go into moderation...

Maybe this is a good point out that you can configure some options for
your membership at
in particular, you can disable mail delivery, if you want to stay
subscribed but not read receive messages for some time (don't forget to
re-enable it before you send a question).

Also, every now and then, it happens that messages are auto-filtered as
spam. When you do not see your posted message coming over the mailing
list, contact one of the moderators to check what happened.

If you kept up reading this e-mail until here, this is your reward:


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