[Scip] including a solution found by an heuristic

Ambros Gleixner gleixner at zib.de
Tue Jun 18 17:37:23 MEST 2013

Hi Alessia,

I suppose the solution lives in the transformed problem, does it?

Maybe you can get some additional information if you add

#define SCIP_DEBUG

at the very top of src/scip/sol.c and recompile.  If not, you could add 
a manual debug printf to SCIPprimalTrySolFree() in primal.c to see 
whether solOfInterest() returns TRUE.


Am 18.06.2013 16:59, schrieb Alessia Violin:
> Hello,
> I am trying to implement a simple heuristic into my branch-and-price,
> and I am having some troubles when adding the new solution found with
> the function SCIPtrySolFree(scip, &sol, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, &success).
> The "success" parameter after this call is always false, even if I don't
> get any violation of constraints/bounds etc printed out. I also manually
> checked the solution found by the heuristic, and it's feasible, not
> violating the branching constraints in the current node, and better that
> the current primal bound. So I don't know where/what to search more to
> avoid this and to make scip using this new solution...
> If needed I can of course provide more details on my implementation.
> Thanks in advance for any help,
> best,
> Alessia

Ambros M. Gleixner
Zuse Institute Berlin - Matheon - Berlin Mathematical School

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