[Scip] dependent variables and if-then-else constraints

Marc Pfetsch pfetsch at mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de
Mon Apr 14 14:48:43 CEST 2014

Hi Wei,

it seems that you are using ZIMPL to formulate the problem. ZIMPL adds 
artificial variables and then generates indicator constraints (so it 
does not use the big-M as indicated in Geralds answer). In any case, 
these artificial variables are easily removed in presolving and SCIP 
usually is fast.

So - I suppose that the long solving time actually arises independently 
of the effect you describe: Such (indicator) models are often hard to 
solve. The relaxations are often bad, especially if the bounds (e.g., 
the M in Geralds model) are large. Heuristics often do not find good 
solutions easily.

Thus, I recommend to check how many variables (and indicator 
constraints) are left after presolving. Moreover, you should check how 
the dual or primal bounds improve over time.



On 04/14/2014 12:12 AM, Gerald Gamrath wrote:
> Dear Wei,
> your variable y_i is already quite similar to the auxiliary variable y
> in your reference.
> Therefore, you do not need to introduce any new variables but rather add
> the following two constraints:
> 1) x_i <= 100 + M * y_i
> 2) x_i >= 0 + (100 + epsilon) * y_i
> (supposed your variable x_i is nonnegative). M should be a large value,
> such that 100 + M does not forbid any valid values for x_i, but for
> numerical reasons as small as possible (with this property).
> What is the objective function coefficient of y_i and does it occur in
> other constraints? If you are minimizing and y_i has a positive
> coefficient, it might be that you can even omit the second constraint
> because the objective function will always lead to y_i having value 0 if
> x_i <= 100 in any optimal solution.
> Best,
> Gerald
> Am 13.04.2014 23:28, schrieb Wei Wang:
>> Hi,
>> I have a question about if-then-else constraints, and dependent
>> variables. In my MILP problem I have a large number of dependent
>> variables and if-then-else constraints. The constraints look like this,
>> if x_i>100 then y_i = 1 else y_i=0
>> That is, y is a dependent variable of x, and y is also a binary
>> integer variable. I converted this if-then-else constraint to linear
>> equations using the method described here,
>> http://www.yzuda.org/Useful_Links/optimization/if-then-else-02.html.
>> This converting method adds another 4 binary integer variables for
>> each if-then-else constraint.
>> The problem is that I have about 10000 if-then-else constraints, which
>> means, I have to add 40000 binary integer variables. And adding these
>> many variables considerably increases the time to solve my problem.
>> Because the added variables and the y variables are all dependent
>> variables, and I only have about 400 independent variables, I think
>> there should be a way to reduce the solving time. Can somebody give me
>> some suggestions on how to optimize it?
>> thanks,
>> Wei
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