[Scip] epsilon for functions isPositive, isZero, etc

Alessia Violin aviolin at ulb.ac.be
Mon Jan 27 11:17:31 CET 2014


I was wondering which is the "epsilon" used in the functions 
SCIPisPosite, isZero, isEQ, etc? I tried to find this information in the 
developer's manual but I didn't succeed.

I have a branch-and-cut-and-price code with quite a lot of other things 
(stabilisation, heuristics, ...), and if the epsilon is too small the 
convergence of column generation is very slow, and if it's too big there 
are some particular configurations of parameters for which optimal 
columns are not generated. Moreover this also depends on the magnitude 
of the data for different set of instances and I am trying to figure out 
the best epsilon to use.

Thanks in advance!


Alessia Violin
Service Graphes et Optimisation Mathématique (G.O.M.)
Université Libre de Bruxelles
C.P. 210/01
Boulevard du Triomphe
Tel: 02 650 58 80 - Fax: 02 650 59 70
Email: aviolin at ulb.ac.be
Webpage: http://homepages.ulb.ac.be/~aviolin/

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