[Scip] Question about SCIPdebugCheckConflictFrontier(...) and debugCheckBdchginfos(...)

Jana Kutscheid jkutscheid at web.de
Wed May 7 18:16:47 CEST 2014

Hi SCIP users!

I'm using a debug solution and SCIP terminates with the following error:

[src/scip/debug.c:1311] ERROR: invalid conflict frontier: 
<t_t#3#C1_a#1>[1] >= 1(1)
hsnp: src/scip/debug.c:1329: SCIPdebugCheckConflictFrontier: Assertion 
`0' failed.

The corresponding original variable is set to 1 in my debug solution so 
I don't understand why the above inequality is not valid.

The variable is fixed to 1 at some point and therefore triggers some 
propagations which result to a call to SCIPanalyzeConflictCons(...).

I had a look at debug.c and I don't understand which is meant by "check, 
whether at least one literals is TRUE in the debugging solution" in 
What is meant by literals?

Can you help me?

Jana Kutscheid

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