[Scip] Heuristic parameters not recognized

Andrea Taverna andrea.taverna at unimi.it
Mon Oct 20 23:14:11 CEST 2014

Hello everyone,

I'm using SCIP 3.1.0 callable library for a column generation algorithm 
and I would like to disable all the primal heuristics.

I tried writing something like "heuristics/oneopt/simplerounding = -1" 
in the scip parameter file, which I've been successfully using before 
for other parameters, but SCIP complains that the parameters , e.g. 
heuristics/oneopt/simplerounding, do not exist.

The heuristic parameters are copy-pasted from the output of SCIP command 
"set heuristics emphasis off". I'm pretty sure they're written correctly.

What I am missing?


Andrea Taverna

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