[Scip] scip troubles with clp 1.16.4

Marc Pfetsch pfetsch at mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de
Fri Apr 3 20:20:05 CEST 2015

Hi sct,

the CLP-SCIP interface is currently somewhat less serviced. The trunk 
version of CLP together with SCIP 3.1.1 currently produces several wrong 
results. Actually for the last two years or so, this was the case. 
Debugging this requires some amount of work and several rounds with the 
Clp developer(s). I do not know when I (we) will have time to take care 
of it. At least, it does not seem to have a simple reason.

Thus, the only advice I can currently offer you is to switch to a 
different LP solver (if possible for you).



On 03.04.2015 15:39, sct wrote:
> Dear scip,
> Just like to highlight some experiences. I was trying out scip with clp.
> I noticed that scip is having some troubles with clp >= 1.16.4, it hangs
> after some iteration. Scip works fine with clp 1.16.0 to 1.16.3 though.
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