[Scip] Using SCIP included in another source code to solve quadratic constraints

Stefan Vigerske stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Mon Apr 13 14:10:48 CEST 2015


probably the symlink to the SoPlex source was not set correctly when you 
called make the first time.
Just make sure that lib/spxinc points to the soplex src directory.


On 04/13/2015 01:25 PM, Jiehua Chen wrote:
> Hi,
> I encounter the following error message when trying to compile:
> compiling obj/O.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt/lib/lpi/lpi_spx.o
> src/lpi/lpi_spx.cpp:76:23: fatal error: spxsolver.h: No such file or
> directory
>   #include "spxsolver.h"
> Can you give me more hints?
> Best
> Jiehua
> On 04/08/2015 03:09 PM, Stefan Vigerske wrote:
>> Hi,
>> it also takes long for me if I disable the subnlp primal heuristic. This
>> primal heuristic is also off if you build SCIP without Ipopt. If that is
>> the case for you, then you might want to consider rebuiling SCIP with
>> Ipopt (see documentation on hints how to do this).
>> Best,
>> Stefan
>> On 04/08/2015 02:49 PM, Jiehua Chen wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I have a quadratic constraint problem which I try to solve by using SCIP
>>> (as a library) in C++. However, my program does not terminate after 1
>>> hour. Curiously, if I use your online solver
>>>   http://www.neos-server.org/neos/solvers/go:scip/CPLEX.html
>>> , then after several seconds I got the solution. Can you please help me?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Below is the problem:
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> minimize y#1
>>> subject to
>>> a#1 = 0
>>> a#2 = 0
>>> [a#1^2 + a#2^2 - 2 a#1*v#11 - 2 a#2*v#12 - b#1^2 - b#2^2 + 2 b#1*v#11 +
>>> 2 b#2*v#12] + y#1 <= 0
>>> [b#1^2 + b#2^2 - 2 b#1*v#11 - 2 b#2*v#12 - c#1^2 - c#2^2 + 2 c#1*v#11 +
>>> 2 c#2*v#12] + y#1 <= 0
>>> [c#1^2 + c#2^2 - 2 c#1*v#11 - 2 c#2*v#12 - d#1^2 - d#2^2 + 2 d#1*v#11 +
>>> 2 d#2*v#12] + y#1 <= 0
>>> [b#1^2 + b#2^2 - 2 b#1*v#21 - 2 b#2*v#22 - c#1^2 - c#2^2 + 2 c#1*v#21 +
>>> 2 c#2*v#22] + y#1 <= 0
>>> [c#1^2 + c#2^2 - 2 c#1*v#21 - 2 c#2*v#22 - d#1^2 - d#2^2 + 2 d#1*v#21 +
>>> 2 d#2*v#22] + y#1 <= 0
>>> [d#1^2 + d#2^2 - 2 d#1*v#21 - 2 d#2*v#22 - a#1^2 - a#2^2 + 2 a#1*v#21 +
>>> 2 a#2*v#22] + y#1 <= 0
>>> [c#1^2 + c#2^2 - 2 c#1*v#31 - 2 c#2*v#32 - d#1^2 - d#2^2 + 2 d#1*v#31 +
>>> 2 d#2*v#32] + y#1 <= 0
>>> [d#1^2 + d#2^2 - 2 d#1*v#31 - 2 d#2*v#32 - a#1^2 - a#2^2 + 2 a#1*v#31 +
>>> 2 a#2*v#32] + y#1 <= 0
>>> [a#1^2 + a#2^2 - 2 a#1*v#31 - 2 a#2*v#32 - b#1^2 - b#2^2 + 2 b#1*v#31 +
>>> 2 b#2*v#32] + y#1 <= 0
>>> y#1 >= 0.01
>>> end
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Best regards!
>>> Jiehua Chen
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