[Scip] Solving a MINLP in SCIP

Apurv Shukla apurv3894 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 14:50:57 CEST 2015

I need to solve a MINLP problem using SCIP (using Ipopt for nonlinear
part). I have implemented the model in SCIP using expression trees and
nonlinear constraint handlers. Then I call scipsolve to solve the model.
However I think that SCIP is unable to use Ipopt for solving the nonlinear
program generated at each branching node. I have checked the availability
of Ipopt to SCIP using SCIPisIpoptAvailableIpopt. For help I am using the
same procedure as in the example string (
How can I make sure that SCIP uses Ipopt to solve the nonlinear program
generated at each node?

Apurv Shukla
Third Year Undergraduate Student
Department of Mechanical Engineering
IIT Kharagpur
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