[SCIP] How can I compile a binary on Windows like the one provided by SCIP web

John Von johnvon2012 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 11:04:12 CET 2015


I noticed that the download section on SCIP main webpage contain the
following pre-compiled binary package for Windows, I am wondering how can I
get such a binary and required .dll and .lib library. Because I want use
CPLEX as the LP solver to test my problem, I have to do the compile by

So, my question is how can I get a package like the one bellow, except that
the LP solver is replaced by CPLEX. (PS: Zimpl and Ipopt are not really
required in my situation).

"Windows/PC, 64bit, msvc 12.0: dynamically linked to SoPlex 2.2.0, Zimpl
3.3.3, Ipopt 3.12.3, CppAD 20140000.1, MPIR 2.6.0, zlib 1.2.5 [requires the
Visual C++ Redistributable Packages]"

Is there a guide that can lead me to achieve this? or Would you please
 tell me how should I do?

Thanks a lot

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