[SCIP] Dual value about SCIP

weikaimas at 163.com weikaimas at 163.com
Mon Nov 9 10:04:16 CET 2015


I have a branch and price algorithm. In some round, the dual value returned be SCIP is  different from another LP solver (CPLEX).
(At the begining of a round, I printed the model and solve it by CPLEX to obtain the dual value.) 

Using the dual value provided by CPLEX, I can find some eatra variables, which reduced the lower bound.  These varibales cannot 
find by dual variables provided by SCIP. So, in my code, I cannot get the real low bound by SCIP.
My computer is 64-bit and the SCIP I used is 32-bit. Is this the reason about my problem ?

best regard,

Kai Wei.

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