[SCIP] multiple SCIP solutions in Matlab

Jan Goos jan.goos at vub.ac.be
Wed Dec 7 22:54:25 CET 2016

Dear SCIPers,

I am using SCIP via OPTI Toolbox in Matlab, and I'd like to enumerate multiple solutions. After thoroughly reading the documentation, I formulated the following example IP:

opts = scipset('scipopts',{'constraints/countsols/collect',1});
opts = optiset('solver','scip','solverOpts',opts);
Opt = opti('f',0,'bounds',0,4,'xtype','I','options',opts)
x = solve(Opt)

I would like to get the 5 equally valid solutions [0,1,2,3,4], but I only get 1 [0]. Can you please tell me what I'm missing?

Best regards,
J a n
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