[SCIP] Heuristics Characters

Gerald Gamrath gamrath at zib.de
Mon Feb 1 12:53:45 CET 2016

Dear Ahmed,

I guess you cannot print the primal heuristics via the opti toolbox, but 
you could just start the SCIP binary for once and print them.

There is no list like this in the documentation, but you can have a look at
where all primal heuristics are listed. Since this is the developers 
manual, you can also see the corresponding .c files after two clicks 
(one on the heuristic, one for the definition of the 
SCIPincludeHeur...() method, where the .c file is referenced). There, 
one of the first lines is #define HEUR_DISPCHAR, followed by the caracter.

Anyway, below is the current list of heuristics for SCIP 3.2.


  primal heuristic     c priority freq ofs  description
  ----------------     - -------- ---- ---  -----------
  ofins                A    60000   -1   0  primal heuristic for 
reoptimization, objective function induced neighborhood search
  trivialnegation      j    40000   -1   0  negate solution entries if 
an objective coefficient changes the sign, enters or leaves the objective.
  reoptsols            J    40000   -1   0  primal heuristic updating 
solutions found in a previous optimization round
  trivial              t    10000    0   0  start heuristic which tries 
some trivial solutions
  shiftandpropagate    T     1000    0   0  Pre-root heuristic to expand 
an auxiliary branch-and-bound tree and apply propagation techniques
  zeroobj              Z      100   -1   0  heuristic trying to solve 
the problem without objective
  simplerounding       r        0    1   0  simple and fast LP rounding 
  dualval              Y        0   -1   0  primal heuristic using dual 
  randrounding         G     -200   20   0  fast LP rounding heuristic
  zirounding           z     -500    1   0  LP rounding heuristic as 
suggested by C. Wallace taking row slacks and bounds into account
  rounding             R    -1000    1   0  LP rounding heuristic with 
infeasibility recovering
  shifting             s    -5000   10   0  LP rounding heuristic with 
infeasibility recovering also using continuous variables
  intshifting          i   -10000   10   0  LP rounding heuristic with 
infeasibility recovering and final LP solving
  oneopt               b   -20000    1   0  1-opt heuristic which tries 
to improve setting of single integer variables
  twoopt               B   -20100   -1   0  primal heuristic to improve 
incumbent solution by flipping pairs of variables
  indicator            A   -20200    1   0  indicator heuristic to 
create feasible solutions from values for indicator variables
  fixandinfer          I  -500000   -1   0  iteratively fixes variables 
and propagates inferences
  feaspump             F -1000000   20   0  objective feasibility pump 2.0
  clique               Q -1000500   -1   0  LNS heuristic using a clique 
partition to restrict the search neighborhood
  coefdiving           c -1001000   10   1  LP diving heuristic that 
chooses fixings w.r.t. the matrix coefficients
  pscostdiving         p -1002000   10   2  LP diving heuristic that 
chooses fixings w.r.t. the pseudo cost values
  fracdiving           f -1003000   10   3  LP diving heuristic that 
chooses fixings w.r.t. the fractionalities
  nlpdiving            d -1003000   10   3  NLP diving heuristic that 
chooses fixings w.r.t. the fractionalities
  veclendiving         v -1003100   10   4  LP diving heuristic that 
rounds variables with long column vectors
  distributiondiving   e -1003300   10   3  Diving heuristic that 
chooses fixings w.r.t. changes in the solution density
  intdiving            n -1003500   -1   9  LP diving heuristic that 
fixes binary variables with large LP value to one
  actconsdiving        a -1003700   -1   5  LP diving heuristic that 
chooses fixings w.r.t. the active constraints
  objpscostdiving      o -1004000   20   4  LP diving heuristic that 
changes variable's objective values instead of bounds, using pseudo 
costs as guide
  rootsoldiving        S -1005000   20   5  LP diving heuristic that 
changes variable's objective values using root LP solution as guide
  linesearchdiving     l -1006000   10   6  LP diving heuristic that 
chooses fixings following the line from root solution to current solution
  guideddiving         g -1007000   10   7  LP diving heuristic that 
chooses fixings in direction of incumbent solutions
  octane               O -1008000   -1   0  octane primal heuristic for 
pure {0;1}-problems based on Balas et al.
  rens                 E -1100000    0   0  LNS exploring fractional 
neighborhood of relaxation's optimum
  rins                 N -1101000   25   0  relaxation induced 
neighborhood search by Danna, Rothberg, and Le Pape
  localbranching       L -1102000   -1   0  local branching heuristic by 
Fischetti and Lodi
  mutation             M -1103000   -1   8  mutation heuristic randomly 
fixing variables
  crossover            C -1104000   30   0  LNS heuristic that fixes all 
variables that are identic in a couple of solutions
  dins                 D -1105000   -1   0  distance induced 
neighborhood search by Ghosh
  vbounds              V -1106000   -1   0  LNS heuristic uses the 
variable lower and upper bounds to determine the search neighborhood
  bound                H -1107000   -1   0  heuristic which fixes all 
integer variables to a bound and solves the remaining LP
  undercover           U -1110000    0   0  solves a sub-CIP determined 
by a set covering approach
  proximity            P -2000000   -1   0  heuristic trying to improve 
the incumbent by an auxiliary proximity objective function
  subnlp               q -2000000    1   0  primal heuristic that 
performs a local search in an NLP after fixing integer variables and 
  trysol               y -3000000    1   0  try solution heuristic

On 31.01.2016 20:04, Ahmed Ibrahim wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is there any way I could know get a list of the primal heuristics of 
> scip and their display characters other than the "display heuristics" 
> command in the interactive shell? I'm using the Matlab interface "opti 
> toolbox" so I don't know whether I have the option of using this 
> command or not. Is there a list of those in the documentation somewhere?
> Regards,
> Ahmed
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