[SCIP] Convert a set of tuples to table

Thorsten Koch koch at zib.de
Mon Feb 8 10:51:42 CET 2016

Hi Natalie,

> - create an ouput in form of a table with those tuples, so that I could read the
> matrix from a txt file.

this is in general a good idea for complicated data. But I would not use
Zimpl to generate the file but a nice scripting language like phython/awk/perl
whatever you like.  Then you can use the read statement to read the data into
a param or set.

Best regards,

Am 08.02.16 um 10:43 schrieb Natalie Hauck:
> Hi Scip-Team,
> thank you very much for your help :)! I really appreciate it.
> I have a question regarding a set of tuples. I generated with your help:
>     set C := {0 ..3};
>     set ZSK := {<a,b,c> in C*C*C with  4 * x + 5 * y + 3 * z <= 11 and 4 * x + 5 
> * y + 3 * z >= 9};
>     do print ZSK;
> and ZSK e.g contains now : {<0,0,3>,..., <2,0,0>}; This is great.
> Unfortunately, I encountered another problem and I thought you might have a 
> smart idea. I would like to either
> - convert the set of tuples to a table (array) so that I create a new parameter 
> as displayed below (static option):
> param possible [CI]:=
>         |1, 2, 3|
> |1    |2, 0, 0|
> |2    |1, 1, 0|
> |3    |1, 0, 2|
> |4    |0, 2, 1|
> |5    |0, 1, 2|
> |6    |0, 0, 3|;
> or
> - create an ouput in form of a table with those tuples, so that I could read the 
> matrix from a txt file.
> I would again very much appreciate any support from your side.
> Best regards,
> Natalie
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Prof. Dr. Thorsten Koch /       Technische Universität Berlin
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