[SCIP] 3.. 2.. 1.. new bugfix version of the SCIP Optimization Suite released

Gerald Gamrath gamrath at zib.de
Tue Mar 1 15:20:30 CET 2016

Dear SCIP users,

we are happy to announce that the bugfix version 3.2.1
of the SCIP Optimization Suite has been released.

It contains a lot of bug fixes, (almost) no interface changes,
and a significantly enhanced Python interface.
Additionally, improved versions of two applications are included:
- SCIP-Jack for solving Steiner tree problems and variants and
- PolySCIP for multi-objective LP and MIP.

Best regards,
the SCIP Optimization Suite team

PS: we also completed a technical report describing all new features
and improvements of the SCIP Optimization Suite 3.2 (including the
new features of the 3.2.1 bugfix release). Check it out here:

Download: http://scip.zib.de
More details about the changes:
SCIP 3.2.1: http://scip.zib.de/doc/html/RELEASENOTES.php
SoPlex 2.2.1: http://soplex.zib.de/notes-221.txt
GCG 2.1.1: http://www.or.rwth-aachen.de/gcg/doc/CHANGELOG.html

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